Download the last version for mac The Unknown City
Download the last version for mac The Unknown City

  • Terrains are now rendered adaptively: Parts of the terrain close to the camera are rendered with higher resolution, while parts farther away are rendered using fewer polygons.
  • download the last version for mac The Unknown City

  • Fixed a bug in which Get Map Data created GeoTIFFs that were flipped upside down.
  • The project folders containing downloads from Get Map Data are named after the selected basemap's title.
  • Removed the lower size limit to the extent in Get Map Data.
  • You can now exclude individual layers of the selected basemap from the basemap import.
  • A hard-coded limitation to a specific set of schematic basemaps has been removed.

    download the last version for mac The Unknown City

  • Get Map Data now provides access to basemaps in the active portal's basemap gallery.
  • download the last version for mac The Unknown City

    Support is restricted to basemaps in Web Mercator. Added support for vector tile basemaps in Get Map Data.

    Download the last version for mac The Unknown City